Erick Gaston

Erick Gaston

From all Todd's friends, all throughout his lifetime, from Flyover Land to Broadway, no one knows The New Todd and The Current Claudia better than Erick Gaston. He's heard the good stories and the bad ones, and the love, lust and even the friction. He's also helped keep Todd focused on long-term happiness and independence from The Man. His ideas are endless. His earned confidence is understated. And he's as self-made as they come.


As diverse as a classic jazz tune, he can hang with the kings while conversing with the paupers. Erick will bend over backwards for his 'family,' which includes Todd and Claudia. Heck, helping us move our couch alone through the state of New York was worth him being in the wedding party! A good man with an unbridled past make for an infamous future. Claudia and I are very grateful you are making the arduous trip from your NYC home, Erick. Thank you!


Topic: Erick Gaston

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